Stopover 2 days Danakil Depression Tour

Stopover 2 days Danakil Depression Tour

The stopover Danakil Depression 2 days Tour is designed for travelers with a limited amount of time possibly on layover transit via Addis Ababa Bole international airport. in less than 36 hours (2 days 1 night) you will be able to visit Ertale volcano lake and all the things to do in Danakil Depression ( Dallol Colorful Mountain, the Salt flats, Lake Asale, Camel caravans and the Salt Canyons. This price mentioned below is applied for a group of 1 – 3 travel mates.

Stopover 2 days Danakil Depression Tour

The Danakil Depression is a marvel of geological wonders, featuring a kaleidoscope of colors splashed across salt flats, hot springs, and volcanic formations. and you’re about to witness sights few have laid eyes on. From the neon green acid pools of Dallol, which look like they’ve been lifted straight from a science fiction movie, to the vast salt pans that glimmer under the sun, every moment here is a photo opportunity waiting to happen.

But it’s not just about the sights; it’s about the experience. Feeling the heat from the Erta Ale volcano under your feet, watching the sun rise over a landscape so alien it takes your breath away, and trekking across salt flats that stretch to the horizon – it’s an adrenaline rush like no other. The Danakil Depression is one of the hottest places on Earth, yet its extreme conditions contribute to its unique beauty, making your stopover tour an unforgettable adventure.

Danakil Depression Stopover Tour Itinerary

Day 1, Semera – Afdera – Ertale
At 8:00 AM, our guide and driver will pick you up from Semera Airport and drive you to the Erta Ale Base Camp. Along the way, we will take a lunch break in the town of Afdera, known for its proximity to the Salt Lake where you can swim and float. Afterward, we will continue with a relaxed and leisurely drive to the ErtaAle base camp. Overnight camping will be near the ErtaAle volcano.

Day 2, Dallol – Mekele
At 6am you will drive from Ertale to Hamedela continue to visit Dallol colorful mountain, Camel caravan, Lake Asale salt flats, traditional salt excavating methods, sulfuric acid ponds, swim in the Salt Lake. finally drive back to Mekele and at 04:30pm arrive at Mekele airport. End of Tour