Axum Tours

Axum Tours

Axum Tours is in the far north of Ethiopia, where it all begins. It was the original capital city, and the epicenter of the Axumite empire, a once big global power of the early AD.

Axum Tours & Things to Do

Axum is a mesmerizing ancient town, located along the main northern state of Ethiopia in the Tigray region. The town has an incredibly rich history, and our tour guides will take you through this historic activity where the Ethiopian history begins.

Most visitors spend just one night in Axum, as you only need one day to explore the main sites of the town, then you can continue your trip to the Tigray Mountains then to the Danakil Depression depending on your plans.

The main attraction of the town are the obelisks standing for thousands of years, ancient grave marks of the Axum empire. These incredible structure rise dozens of meters into the sky, and the history of their construction.

The most importance of the city in the Ethiopian culture is the church that supposedly houses the Ark of the Covenant. Entrance into the church is forbidden, so you’ll have to take your guide’s word for it.

Axum City Tours